Nonprofit Organizations

Turn your members and users quickly into donors and boost your overall fundraising and overall experience.

how do nonprofits make money

How do Nonprofits Make Money through Mobile Apps?

Nonprofit organizations do “good” work in the community, rescuing animals, helping the homeless, and providing food to the hungry. They raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, contributing to the greater good. They are staffed by teams of employees who work hard to generate money, manage programs, and do the work. How to raise money for […]

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Raise awareness for a nonprofit

Ways to Raise Awareness About Your Non-Profit Organization

Your non-profit organization does great work, serves the community, and makes people’s lives better. You know that, but the community at large may not know; so the question is, how do raise awareness for a nonprofit? You’d be surprised how many members of your community may have never heard of your charity– and that doesn’t

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